Happy New Year !

The salutation that sounds out all over the world as midnight strikes on 31 December. When I was a kid I always thought I would wake up on the 1st and everything would be better, different, shiny. The expectation of something new. Change.

January comes from the word “Janus” the Roman God of beginnings and transformation. Dorothy starts her journey by meeting the scarecrow. An interesting cat that scarecrow. All he wants is a brain so he can make better decisions, though his courage is his greatest strength. The scarecrow reminds me of scarcity and fear. A scarecrow is a device to strike fear and the word makes me think of scarcity. Scarcity is an interesting contemporary phrase that helps us think of our lives in differing lights. The definition I like and pertains to Janus for me is, “Scarcity can limit your choices.”

December holiday drinkers make the assumption that people who are sober live in scarcity of fun, frivolity and all the vibes that are December. So it’s with a scarcity mindset that they embrace sober January. The perspective here needs to speak more to taking back than losing.

This piece has been incredibly hard for me to write and this morning I worked out why.

I realized that I have constantly chosen a scarcity mindset. Even eating food I have a minder that I need to Hoover or it will run out instead of believing it’s enough. I have enough. I am enough.

Waiting for what I really want , choosing words like “maybe” and “would like to”, instead of “I am going to”. This year I won’t. I will make the move I want too, write the book I need to and do the courses I want too. I am choosing abundance. I am going to stop my job that makes me feel safe and keeps me bound and I am going to travel and do what I need to do. The scarecrow has courage in bounds , and that’s what this part of the journey is about, courage. My brain is telling me no more scarcity only abundance. My best friend asked me to chose my words for the year. They are abundance , perspective and adventure. Find your words and live your truth. You have it in you already, you have come this far.

If your yellow brick road starts in January, then go.

Day one for me too of truth !

Let’s adventure, see you next month.

Love you,

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