The Cowardly Lion

“Februus was the God of purification, and many festivals and feasts were held in his honor inFebruary, hence the origin of the name for this month. It was believed that purification madeway for fertility and creativity, known today as spring cleaning.” I love to watch the light change on my morning runs; the contrast of […]


Happy New Year ! The salutation that sounds out all over the world as midnight strikes on 31 December. When I was a kid I always thought I would wake up on the 1st and everything would be better, different, shiny. The expectation of something new. Change. January comes from the word “Janus” the Roman […]

The December Cyclone

The cyclone forms in an area of low pressure, this area draws in surrounding winds. Dorothy’s journey begins with a cyclone that carries her and her little Toto to the land of Oz. A cyclone, what an apt beginning. Landing at the start of this sober yellow brick road feels like you have come through […]

The Yellow Brick Road #1

Beautiful, brave community of Best Life, welcome to the first in a series of columns by myself, Sam Hughes. I have been sober for two and a half years and believe the journey feels much like that of walking the Yellow Brick Road. The start is daunting, scary and overwhelming, and by the time we […]

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